Calling All Volunteers!
Add more power to every hour you give.
Join the KarmaHub Ecosystem today!

Helping out in your community has never been more rewarding! 

Every hour you volunteer for a KarmaHub Certified  Non Profit Organization, generates one Karma Token, for you to keep or share.

They may be combined in unlimited amounts towards big ticket items like airline seats and hotel rooms. 

You can also donate your Karma Tokens to others in the Karma Farm, where good deeds are cultivated and grown!

Karma Tokens are universally accepted coupons, redeemable at all partner businesses – and are worth around $10 each based on the location where the volunteering act took place.

Sign up now to add more power to every hour you give back in the KarmaHub Ecosystem.

We’re rallying the 'do-gooder’s', the 'give-backer’s', and the 'I-want-to-help-but-I-don’t-know-how’s'.

We’re seeking Volunteers, Non Profits and Businesses who  raise their hands and join the KarmaHub Ecosystem today! 

It’s obligation free, and when the the KarmaHub Ecosystem is ready for launch, you’ll be among the first to have full access to the platform!



Advance your mission & find the Volunteers you need when you need them. Register as a KarmaHub Certified Non-Profit Organization today.

Are you a non-profit organization looking for a platform to find reliable and passionate volunteers? Look no further than KarmaHub!

Our platform is designed to help non-profit organizations like yours find volunteers with the skills and interests to match your needs.

With the added benefit of rewarding volunteers with Karma Tokens that can be redeemed for products and services from major brands, volunteering has never been more rewarding for your volunteers.

Join us in our mission to make a difference for the greater, greater good!

KarmaHub Thanks Volunteers & Rallies Major Brands in a Universal Rewards Ecosystem

KarmaHub makes giving back easy and accessible.  We make it easy for Volunteers to find your business in our directory of like minded businesses all over the country (…and eventually, the world!)

Businesses who enroll in the KarmaHub Ecosystem provide mission driven Non Profit Organizations with the volunteers, and resources they so desperately need!

All while increasing their customer base and amplifying their already socially conscious marketing efforts.

Raise your hand, take the 1% Pledge, and do your part towards making the world a world a better place today!

Volunteering is about to become even more rewarding.

KarmaHub Volunteer Economy